"Hello", a song by Adele

Last week we have been working on Adele's Hello song with our english friend Arthur. As I said you, here you have the song to work on it again. Also, you have a few questions to win some extra points in your final mark (you must write the answers in your music notebook).


1.- Where is she?
2.- What does the song describe?
3.- How she does feel?
4.- Who do you think she is talking to?
5.- Translate the following words from the song: 
outside, to try, at least, to heal, to hear, young, free, side, home, between, heart, to break, clearly, to tear, anymore, town, nothing, both, typical, everything, to happen

"Hello", a song by Adele

Last week we have been working on Adele's Hello song with our english friend Arthur. As I said you, here you have the song to work on it again. Also, you have a few questions to win some extra points in your final mark (you must write the answers in your music notebook).


1.- Where is she?
2.- What does the song describe?
3.- How she does feel?
4.- Who do you think she is talking to?
5.- Translate the following words from the song: 
outside, to try, at least, to heal, to hear, young, free, side, home, between, heart, to break, clearly, to tear, anymore, town, nothing, both, typical, everything, to happen

Toquem música renaixentista!!!!

La força d'Hèrcules és una dansa  del reinaxement. és del segles XVI i es tracta d'una pavana. Gràcies a Carme Marchena per compartir aquest treball amb wix.

La chanson "Mignonne, allons voir su la rose" va ser composta en el Renaixement per "Jehan de Chardavoine". En poc temps es va convertir en una melodia molt popular a França i amb el tems ha passat a formar part de la música tradicional francessa.
Us deixo un Wix ,molt complert ,que he trobat del blog "musiblogdeaula" del professor Pablo del Pozo  a qui dono les gràcies per compartir aquesta fantàstica cançó.