Feliz Navidad y buena música para el 2017

Como suelo hacer en este blog por estas fechas en los últimos años, os deseo una feliz Navidad con música en forma de video. Una vez más, se trata de un flash mob realizado en una plaza de Colonia (Alemania). La gente que pasa por allí se ve sorprendida por unos músicos que empiezan a tocar la famosa melodía de las películas de Star Wars (compuesta por John Williams) y más sorprendidos aún cuando acaban descubriendo que es toda una orquesta sinfónica la que interpreta la pieza.
Si queréis disfrutar de anteriores videos como este, podéis pinchar en los siguientes enlaces: video navideño 2010, video navideño 2011, video navideño 2012, video navideño 2013video navideño 2014 y video navideño 2015.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Here you have the christmas song Merry Christmas everyone that las week we sang in music class with our friend Arthur. A nice and funny song that I hope you keep singing with the karaoke video version. Like other times, I suggest that you voluntarily make a list with the vocabulary of words you do not know...

Merry Christmas everyone!

Here you have the christmas song Merry Christmas everyone that las week we sang in music class with our friend Arthur. A nice and funny song that I hope you keep singing with the karaoke video version. Like other times, I suggest that you voluntarily make a list with the vocabulary of words you do not know...

Thinking out loud…

Last day we were working on the song Thinking out loud of Ed Sheeran and now I propose you an extra and homework about this. Listen again to the song, write your feelings, the two sentences more significative for you, and elaborate a vocabulary with words that you don't know the meaning. 
Here you have the official video of the song and a video version only with the lyrics in english.

Thinking out loud…

Last day we were working on the song Thinking out loud of Ed Sheeran and now I propose you an extra and homework about this. Listen again to the song, write your feelings, the two sentences more significative for you, and elaborate a vocabulary with words that you don't know the meaning. 
Here you have the official video of the song and a video version only with the lyrics in english.