Música árabe (En el magreb).

Con este vídeo iniciamos la introducción a la Música árabe del Magreb:

Instrumentos y ritmos árabes:

Y la afamada bailarina española Sara Guirado con la Danza del Vientre.

Prezi con todo tipo de información:




Archivado en: Actualidad musical, Bailes y danzas, Músicas del Mundo, Presentaciones

Bullied Kid Leaves Judges Completely Stunned!

Jack Higgins is 14 years old and already life has thrown him some pretty heavy punches. The young teenager has dealt with relentless bullying for much of his life all because of how he has devoted much of his time. It’s Jack’s dream to become a professional dancer.

For some reason, his peers can’t seem to wrap their heads around this fact. They tell him dancing is for girls and that he should be playing football instead. It’s almost as if they fail to see that dancing requires the same athleticism, discipline, and devotion as football.

The bullied kid decided to audition for Britain’s Got Talent in hopes of making his dreams come true. Jack performed a stunning, emotional ballet routine. But it wasn’t the performance that left the audience in tears. Jack broke down sharing his difficulties with bullying. While the kids at school may be sneering at home, the crowd gave him an empathetic standing ovation. Then Simon Cowell, known for his stoic demeanor and often heartless critiques, gave Jack a simple word of advice.

“You know the one thing bullies don’t like?” He says. “They don’t like it when you do well.”

Jack received a unanimous vote of “yes” from the judges.

Archivado en: Actualidad musical, Bailes y danzas, General, Videos interesantes, Videos y Temas del Curso

Flamenco for bilingual students

Página Wix en inglés sobre el flamenco para alumnos de 2º de ESO del programa bilingüe. Lo encontraréis también en el blog Bahía de Música.

Captura de pantalla 2015-04-06 a las 19.38.59

Archivado en: Bailes y danzas, En Inglés, Folclore español, Historia de la Música, Recursos en Inglés, Videos y Temas del Curso