Projects around musical instruments

Estos son algunos de los "projects"de la primera evaluación que, en torno a diversos instrumentos musicales, habéis trabajado por grupos en 1º dentro del programa bilingüe de nuestro instituto. 
Igualmente, como miembro del grupo encargado de presentar la trompa, José Pineda tuvo el detalle de traerse este su instrumento y explicarnos su funcionamiento así como tocarnos algunas melodías...

Luka: Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Here you have the christmas song Merry Christmas everyone that las week we sang in music class with our friend Arthur. A nice and funny song that I hope you keep singing with the karaoke video version. Like other times, I suggest that you voluntarily make a list with the vocabulary of words you do not know...

Merry Christmas everyone!

Here you have the christmas song Merry Christmas everyone that las week we sang in music class with our friend Arthur. A nice and funny song that I hope you keep singing with the karaoke video version. Like other times, I suggest that you voluntarily make a list with the vocabulary of words you do not know...