Great resources to practice the distance between notes and note values using flashcards. Both of them designed by Inma Montesinos: 1. What is the distance between these notes? 2. Do you know the name of note values?
Archivo de la etiqueta: games
Repasemos los instrumentos de la orquesta mediante estos juegos! Todos estos juegos de Educaplay nos vendrán fenomenal para estudiar…. jugando! 😉 La orquesta con sonido: de Juan Moreno La orquesta sinfónica: de Ana Belén Vázquez Secades Partes de los instrumentos musicales: de Ana Belén Vázquez Secades Instrumentos de la orquesta: Elena Álvarez Rubiera La orquesta: de Adriana García Los instrumentos […]
I’m sure you’ll enjoy this game. You have to help ‘Maestro’ to pick the instruments before they fall and place them in the correct tube. You can find ‘Instrument frenzy’ and more games in the New York Philharmonic Kidzone website. Enjoy!
This is a fantastic game for learning the name of the notes, created by Classics for Kids, and really useful for PDIs:
We’ll use these online games while studying the orchestral instruments, after watching the masterpiece ‘The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra’, composed by Benjamin Britten in 1946 for young students, just like you: