The Orchestra

In Classics for Kids we can visit an interactive website to see and hear the Instruments of the Orchestra:
the orchestra

Archivado en: Agrupaciones instrumentales, Audiciones, En Inglés, Los instrumentos musicales, Pasatiempos y juegos musicales, Presentaciones, Recursos en Inglés

Sound samples

In this website, you can find thousands of free, downloadable sound samples specially recorded by Philharmonia Orchestra players. These samples are suitable for creating any kind of music, no matter what style:


Archivado en: Actualidad musical, Agrupaciones instrumentales, En Inglés, Los instrumentos musicales, Música y tecnología, Presentaciones, Recursos en Inglés

Orchestral instruments

This is a new resource, from the web Artopia, to recognize the sound of the orchestral instruments and also revise their names:

musical intruments

Archivado en: Agrupaciones instrumentales, Audiciones, ¿Lo adivinas?, En Inglés, Los instrumentos musicales, Recursos en Inglés

New work 2nd ESO



It is developing a 2.0 Interactive Popourri of your family of instruments ,in this case aerophones, that you’re going to submit through Thinglink.

As you can see, you have to investigate some points for your account.

First you will realize a collage that it has to consist of multiple images with their auditions at least SIX photos, even if one is inspired and wants to expand the work ahead !!!

Always have more qualifications.

The work is going to do with two tools that you do not know: the COLLAGE photo with PiZap (click on this same word for access) and interactive image with YouTube videos with Thinglink tool.


STEP 1. Carefully SELECT the Youtube AUDITIONS that we use. After looking photos of musicians, instruments, important information .. etc. The Internet went down and we file on your computer (the number of photos, of course, depend on the design of collage but the minimum is 6 images).

STEP 2. CREATE THE COLLAGE with PiZap tool that requires no registration. I leave these screenshots for the collage. Login PiZap Do MAKE Click to COLLAGE.

We selected a design based on the number of photos of our work Click on each square to upload photos Download the COLLAGE to your computer (no need to give SAVE)

STEP 3: Once completed and saved the photo COLLAGE, we continue to work entering the web Thinglink (CLICK ON THIS WORD TO GO TO THE PROGRAM)with your username and password. In each square collage assign its corresponding video (and located in Youtube) pasting the URL,different images, links to other examples, links to the most important musicians…. When you finish work you know that you have to send EDUCATE AND EDMODO to present in class to other colleagues.


Sin título


Archivado en: En Inglés, Los instrumentos musicales, Música y tecnología, Presentaciones, Recursos en Inglés, Utilizando las TIC, Vuestros Trabajos

La orquesta en concierto.

Este corto de dibujos animados nos hace una simpática presentación de los instrumentos de la orquesta, nosotros lo vamos a utilizar como introducción al tema.

Atentos a todos los instrumentos que aparecen.

Archivado en: Agrupaciones instrumentales, Los instrumentos musicales, Videos y Temas del Curso