Using your mobile phone to Compose

It was the first time we have used mobiles phone  in class and think we will continue with more Apps.

We have been working with two programas.Android:Music composition and Apple: iwritemusic-free.

With these applications we have learned how to  write basic melodies with and without chords, using various alterations, beats, rhythms

At the same time we heard what we were writing at the time to listen alone or show it to classmates.

Finally we had several options, save scores created, export as images or as midi.

It has been a fantastic experience for me and for the students because we have learned and shared together.

Here you have a video with images of this new experience.

Archivado en: En Inglés, Formas Musicales, Informática Musical, Música y tecnología, Presentaciones, Utilizando las TIC, Vuestros Trabajos

Oral Exposiones on families of instruments(2nd ESOA).

Here is leave a video on your presentations after studying the different families of instruments.

We enjoyed three fantastic days seeing and hearing what you have learned and prepared

Thank you all for your work.
I am very proud of you all.

Archivado en: Los instrumentos musicales, Presentaciones, Vuestros Trabajos

Prezi: Symphony Orchestra.

Finally the families of instruments we should organize within the symphonic orchestra so this presentation you will have enough information.

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Archivado en: Agrupaciones instrumentales, En Inglés, Los instrumentos musicales, PDI, Presentaciones, Recursos en Inglés