La música de mi familia:

Con este trabajo conoceremos estilos musicales de diferentes generaciones y disfrutaremos mucho entrevistando a nuestros padres, abuelos, hermanos, primos, etc. sobre la música que les gustaba cuando eran jóvenes. La época navideña es ideal para hablar de música, por eso me gustan estas fechas para que  realicéis esta tarea. Las reuniones familiares serán un escenario perfecto para preguntar a todos la pregunta clave.. ¿Qué música te gustaba cuando eras joven? Bueno, si  tenéis algún hermano pequeño le preguntaréis por la música que le gusta en la actualidad, como es lógico. 

What better way to celebrate family during the Christmas  holidays than with a quest. 

In My Musical Heritage Project ( patrimonio musical de mi familia) students have to  ask open-ended questions to discover how music influenced their parents and grandparents. 
Technology will help to  record student discoveries and enhanced the learning experience. Using their iPads,telephones... you have to take  a picture and record or film the interviews with your  family members.

Questions to ask?:

  1. What kind of music lessons did you have growing up?
  2. When you were my age, what type of music did you enjoy?
  3. Have you ever heard a famous musician in person?
  4. What type of music do you enjoy listening to today?
  5. Are there any musicians in our family?
  6. -Favourite musician
  7. Did you sing or play in a band? Can you still play today?
  8. Did you take lessons on an instrument? Was it fun? Did you practice? How did you learn to read music?
Here you have the guide for conducting the interviews:

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