The Godfather (1972) tells the story of Vito Corleone, a fictional Mafia boss in 1940s New York, and the fights for power between the rival gangs.
The film soundtrack was written by Italian composer , Nino Rota(1911-1979),who won an Academy Award for Best Music for the Godfather Part II(1974)
Thanks to Fátima Delgado
Yearly Archives: 2017
The Godfather (1972) tells the story of Vito Corleone, a fictional Mafia boss in 1940s New York, and the fights for power between the rival gangs.
The film soundtrack was written by Italian composer , Nino Rota(1911-1979),who won an Academy Award for Best Music for the Godfather Part II(1974)
Thanks to Fátima Delgado
The film soundtrack was written by Italian composer , Nino Rota(1911-1979),who won an Academy Award for Best Music for the Godfather Part II(1974)
Thanks to Fátima Delgado
Esta canción de la película El mago de Oz también aparece en un anuncio. La interpreta Judy Garland.
Esta canción de la película El mago de Oz también aparece en un anuncio. La interpreta Judy Garland.