Lista de Participantes “Carmen Online” 2015. Apartado de Composición y Baile

Lista de Participantes “Carmen Online” 2015. Apartado de Composición y Baile.

A continuación os dejamos dos PDF con las listas de los participantes totales de la IV edición de los premios de música para niños "Carmen Online" 2015.

El número de participantes totales en el apartado de composición ha superados las expectativas del año pasado siendo de 263 alumnos, y por otro lado, en el apartado de baile 103 alumnos, por lo que hacen un total de 366 alumnos.

LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES "CARMEN ONLINE" 2015. Apartado de Composición.


FAQ Carmen Online (English)

>> FAQ CARMEN ONLINE 2015 (English)

1. What is the competition?

When we decided to create this project three years ago, we had two questions:  Are children 8 to 16 years capable of composing, writing, playing and recording music using the Internet? Could we use the melodies the children created to make a collective work, played in a concert with professional musicians? These two questions sum up the basis for the Melodías Online project.

Students from schools and conservatories, have the opportunity to create and participate in a collective work. This year the competition is centered on the myth of “Carmen” and the music of Bizet.

2. Who can participate?

There are different divisions students can participate in – composition and dance.  Each division has specific requirements that must be met.  Students between the ages of 8 and 16 can participate, depending on the division.

3. How can you participate?

The student communicates their interest to their music tutor or teacher at the school or conservatory they attend.  The teacher will then register the student by filling out the registration form on the contest website.  Students can register individually or as part of a group. All dances must be registered in the group division.  There is no individual division for dance at this time.

4. How to register?

First, read carefully all the terms and conditions for the contest. Once you have read and understand the terms, choose a category and inform your teacher that you would like to participate in the contest. Your teacher can then fill out the registration form on the contest’s website. (from January 15 to February 20).

5. What are the Prizes?

There are prizes for each category.  This year there are 1,200 euros in musical materials to be awarded, spread out over the composition and dance divisions.

6. What are the dates and phases for registration?

There are several phases:

REGISTRATION: January 15 to February 20, 2015

PHASE 1. Competition begins. February 23 until March 21

PHASE 2. Uploading files. From March 23 until April 17(Deadline to
count total views of the posting April 17).

PHASE 3. Selection of finalists. Third week of April.

PHASE 4. Publication of the winners. Last week of April or first of

PHASE 5. Award ceremony and final concert. June, the concert date and awards will be announced later.

8. What musical level should the students have?

You can participate with only an elementary knowledge of music. Each award has a particular student profile in mind. For example the prize of Melody Soloist, is more for students studying in music schools and conservatories. On the other hand, Melodías’ prize for “Best Interpreted,” is more focused on the public school level, being more suitable for primary and secondary students.

There is also the possibility of participating in the prize for “Most Listened to Melody.”  It is composed of students of different ages and levels.  Make sure to look at the descriptions of each category before making your choice.

9. Should we make a video and sheet music for the entry?

Yes. You must create sheet music to be sent to the organization.
The video can be made on a Smartphone, Tablet or digital camera.  It does not have to be of professional quality.

You must then upload the video to YouTube.  It is the responsibility of the participant to create the sheet music and upload the video.

10. Why “Carmen?”

The competition organizers have selected the opera “Carmen” by Bizet, to coincide with the exhibition that will take place in 2015/2016 on the myth and the opera, “Carmen.” The SGAE Foundation along with other institutions will determine if any of these works will appear in the exhibition. The competition will serve as a bridge to the creation of music on a basic education level and as vocational training.

11. How many schools and students will be involved?

This is the fourth year of the competition statewide. Any student or group of students from any educational institution (school, conservatory, cultural center, etc.) in Spain can participate (see age limit in each category).

This year the contest will take place on both a national and international level. We will be reserving spots in the competition for participants from countries outside of Spain.  Over 1,000 students and 50 schools are expected to participate.

--(Thanks to Annie Tyler for the Translation)

Tema del Toreador. Carmen Online

Tema del Toreador. Carmen Online

Vamos a realizar un pequeño análisis de este tema, que nos servirá de ejemplo para trabajar como tema con variación. Esta es una idea que proponemos desde la organización del concurso para aquellos alumnos y profesores que no sepan muy bien que hacer o por dónde empezar.

Análisis del tema del toreador: Fragmento en Tono de Fa Mayor, 45 segundos. Recomendado para alumnos de 5º y 6º de primaria. Dificultad Media Moderada. Se puede trabajar con la flauta dulce y otros instrumentos escolares.

Dificultad media Baja para alumnos de secundaria. Partitura Adaptada para flauta dulce.

¿Cómo debemos trabajar este tema para optar al premio Melodía Mejor Interpretada?

La melodía se debe respetar, siendo libre la interpretación y el acompañamiento, pudiendo cambiar la tonalidad, el estilo y armonización inclusive, por ejemplo si se quiere hacer una versión tipo jazz, pop, rock... 

La interpretación se podrá enriquecer con cualquier otro elemento que cada profesor o participante considere oportuno. Los instrumentos que interpreten la melodía principal, han de ser de tipo escolar y se puede acompañar con otros instrumentos.

Para mantener el espíritu creativo del concurso de pasadas ediciones, se podrán introducir partes musicales nuevas, así como introducciones, finales o solos, siempre y cuando no exceda del tiempo limitado y aparezca el tema melódico propuesto de la Ópera de Bizet.

Por ejemplo, el tema del Toreador que proponemos, se podría hacer una variación rítmico melódica en la segunda vuelta del tema, este es uno de los recursos más prácticos para la etapa de primaria.

Se facilita melodía, cifrado armónico y una secuencia de acompañamiento con guitarra.

Gestiona Radio con Clara Núñez y Carlos Piñeiro

Gestiona Radio con Clara Núñez y Carlos Piñeiro, hablando de "Carmen Online".

Ya podéis escuchar la entrevista del pasado domingo 25 de enero en Gestiona Radio, con Clara Núñez, alumna premiada en la III edición de Melodías Online y el organizador del concurso Carlos Piñeiro.

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