"How to Strum a ukulele" Ukulele lesson by Sierra Hellemans

Strumming a ukulele may seem like a very simple thing, but a surprising number of people get it wrong. There is a specific right way to do it - to make sure you get the best sound possible out of your ukulele and to sound great. This article will go throw the most important aspects of strumming technique to make sure you know exactly how to strum a ukulele to get the sound you're looking for.

Hand Position

In order to get the perfect strumming hand position, make your right hand (or your left hand if you are left-handed) into a loose fist. Make sure you're not holding it too tight. You want your hand to be comfortable in this shape as you might have to hold it for a long period of time.

Hold your hand in front of you so it is in front of the area just around the center of your chest. Now extend your index (pointer) finger so you are pointing in the direction of your left nipple. You should find that your thumb is resting on top of your index finger (somewhere between the first and second knuckle). This will add a little extra stability to your strumming finger.

Where to Strum

Every ukulele has a sweet spot. This is the area where the ukulele sounds fullest and will give you the best tone. If you strum too close to the bridge it will produce a very thin and tinny sound. You can produce a much more pleasing tone by strumming closer to the fretboard. The idea place is around the place where the neck hits the body of the ukulele.

If you play a larger size of ukulele such as the tenor or baritone, the sweet spot will be more over the sound hole.

Strumming Technique

For the actual strumming itself, you need to ensure two things: that your arm doesn't get tired and that you don't strum more widely than you have to. Both of these can be achieved by ensuring that you strum from the wrist. If you were to strum the ukulele with your whole arm, you would be getting tired before the end of the first song.

Using your wrist also means that you will be able to increase the speed of your strumming as you improve much more efficiently. If you were to strum with your whole arm, it would be much harder to increase strumming speed to match up with the speed of the top players.

It's important to get your ukulele strumming technique right from the beginning. If you pick up bad habits when you start, it will be much harder to change them in the future. Once you have a bad habit ingrained, it's ten times more difficult to get rid of it than it is to set good habits in place from the start. Any time spent practicing your stumming at the beginning stage will pay off many times over for you. It's vital to get it right from the outset or you'll be forever at a disadvantage.

By: Sierra Hellemans Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Smoke On The Water para ukelele

Smoke On The Water para ukelele

Hace unos días Manuel, un alumno de tan sólo 7 años de edad, nos deleitaba con esta melodía tan conocida entre los guitarristas y rockeros, lo más increíble que la sacó el solito de oído, aquí os dejamos la partitura y su pequeña interpretación de este mítico riff de una de las mejores bandas de rock de la historia, Deep Purple, con alumnos así es una pasada dar clase, larga vida al Rock! y un fuerte aplauso para Manuel, sigue así!

Smoke on the water for ukulele

Es sorprendente la capacidad de estímulo y motivación que puede sacar este pequeño instrumento en las clases de música, cada vez nos sorprende más que a edades tan tempranas, sean capaces de componer o sacar melodías ellos solitos. La cercanía del instrumento, por su tamaño, su facilidad de uso, y manejabilidad, hacen del ukelele un estupendo instrumento escolar, que potencia la creatividad y la autonomía del aprendizaje, a los hechos de este vídeo me remito.

Tan sólo llevamos un par de años introduciendo este instrumento en las aulas, y cada día que pasa, nos damos cuenta del potencial que tiene. Esta pequeña partitura, que suele ser muy fácil de interpretar en la guitarra, en las primeras lecciones, no siendo muy reconocida por alumnos tan pequeños, el tema de Smoke On the Water suele reconocerse más por alumnos de secundaria, no por alumnos de segundo de primaria, por este motivo hemos considerado poneros la interpretación de Manuel, que con tan sólo 7 añitos, saca el sólo el tema y si os fijáis bien, al final del vídeo, Manuel hace una pequeña improvisación acabando en slide, ouh yeah!!!

Larga vida al Rock!

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