Inspirational: this Russian teenager born without fingers has become a successful pianist .

Teenager Alexey Romanov was born without fingers, but that hasn’t stopped him becoming a musical prodigy.

alexey romanov pianist

Romanov’s career began when his adoptive parents bought him a synthesiser. After he showed a natural aptitude for music, he was eventually asked to join a music school in Kazan.

Last month saw him make his first television appearance on Russian show ‘Guests From Tomorrow’:

Archivado en: Actualidad musical, General, Videos interesantes

This video about being a classical musician will make you shout ‘THIS IS ME’

The clever folks at CBC Music put together this toe-curlingly accurate guide for how to become a classical musician, and it’s making us reassess our life choices.

From the viola jokes to the self-combusting music stand, this is pretty much us distilled into four minutes.

Nicely played.

Archivado en: El Lenguaje Musical, General, Las profesiones musicales, Presentaciones, Recursos en Inglés, Videos interesantes