¡Hola a todos/as!
Esta semana quiero compartir con vosotros/as mis canciones navideñas favoritas para el aula de música bilingüe. No son "villancicos" como tal, pero son preciosas canciones para utilizar en la clase de música o para trabajar el vocabulario navideño en español e inglés. Y la primera es...
Hi y'all!!
This week I want to share with you my favorite Christmas songs for the Bilingual Music Lessons. These are not exactly Christmas Carols but they are beautiful songs to use in our Music Classes or to learn the Christmas vocabulary in English and Spanish. And the first is...

"Rudolf, el reno de la nariz roja" es una canción divertidísima y muy pegadiza que a los niños y niñas les encanta. En la tradición española no existía hasta ahora la figura de "Papá Noel" y los "renos", por lo que se está empezando a introducir a Rudolf. Los más pequeños/as sí conocen a Rudolf y ¡lo adoran! Aquí tenéis su historia:
"Rudolph, the red-nosed reindder" is a very funny and catchy song that children just adore. In the Spanish tradition there hasn't been a strong acknowledgement of Santa and his reindeers, so we're starting to learn about Rudolph nowadays. However, our youngest DO know Rudolph and THEY LOVE HIM! Here's his story:
"Rudolph, the red-nosed reindder" is a very funny and catchy song that children just adore. In the Spanish tradition there hasn't been a strong acknowledgement of Santa and his reindeers, so we're starting to learn about Rudolph nowadays. However, our youngest DO know Rudolph and THEY LOVE HIM! Here's his story:
Película de 1948 en inglés // 1948 movie in English
Hay numerosos vídeos infantiles para la canción. Para introducirla en la clase de música, es buena idea hacerlo primero con el apoyo de las imágenes. Os dejo dos vídeos:
There are many animation videos for children of this song. To present it in a lesson, it's a good idea to do it firstly with the images support. Here I share with you two videos:
Existen numerosas versiones de la canción. Aquí tenéis mis tres versiones favoritas en inglés. Se pueden utilizar para hacer juegos musicales y que los/as niños/as vayan interiorizando el ritmo y la melodía.
There are many covers of the song. Here you have my three favorite cover songs in English. We can use them to play musical games so the children start learning the rhythm and melody.
The Baseballs
Ella Fitzgerald
Mary J. Blige
La letra de la canción es bastante sencilla y la dificultad vendrá dada por la versión que trabajemos y su velocidad. Aquí tenéis un pdf con la letra en inglés y español y las palabras clave.
The lyrics of the song are quite easy and the difficulty is more related to the version of the music we work with and its velocity. Here I've prepared a pdf with the lyrics in English and Spanish and the bilingual key words.
The lyrics of the song are quite easy and the difficulty is more related to the version of the music we work with and its velocity. Here I've prepared a pdf with the lyrics in English and Spanish and the bilingual key words.
Aquí tenéis la partitura fácil para piano, que también se puede utilizar para flauta dulce. Es bastante sencilla.
Here you have an easy music sheet for piano, that you can also use with recorders. It's pretty easy.
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Vía: Let's Play Music! |
También quiero compartir con vosotros/as algunos tableros de pinterest con enlaces a manualidades de Rudolf, el reno.
I also want to share with you some pinterest boards with links to awesome Rudolph crafts.
I also want to share with you some pinterest boards with links to awesome Rudolph crafts.
Por último os dejo unos juegos online de Rodolfo, el reno. ¡Espero que os gusten!
Lastly, I want to share with you some online games of Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer. I hope you have fun!
¿Habéis trabajado a Rodolfo alguna vez? ¿Qué tal vuestra experiencia?
Como siempre, si os ha servido, agradeceré mucho vuestros comentarios. ¡Espero que os guste!
Have you ever used Rudolph as a lesson? How was it?
As always, if you found this useful, I'll really appreciate your commentaries. I hope you like it!
Have you ever used Rudolph as a lesson? How was it?
As always, if you found this useful, I'll really appreciate your commentaries. I hope you like it!