This is the first time I used Checkthis to prepare this notes for my bilingual students. I hope they can revise what we’ve learnt and watch more examples of the Woodwind instruments. Click on the pictures to visit the Checkthis resource:
Archivo de la etiqueta: Online resources
This is a new resource, from the web Artopia, to recognize the sound of the orchestral instruments and also revise their names:
‘Peter and the Wolf’ was composed in 1936 by Sergei Prokofiev. He was asked to write a new musical symphony for children and he completed this composition in four days. The story was based on a Russian folktale. There are six different musical themes, representing the characters in the story: Bird – ? Cat – […]
We’re studying Orchestral instruments, and The Strings in particular. Here you can listen to several examples. Don’t forget to take the Strings Quiz!
Nunca fui demasiado fan de las WebQuests, pero dando clase a grupos bilingües, que trabajan a diario con textos íntegramente en inglés (y, en el caso del grupo de 3º de la ESO, con contenidos de Historia), es mejor para ellos que, a la hora de preparar un trabajo y buscar información en Internet, tengan alguna orientación y se les facilite […]