Claude-Achille Debussy (22 Agosto de 1862. Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Francia- 25 Marzo de 1918. París. Francia), compositor francés.
The London Symphony Orchestra, bajo la dirección de Leopold Stokowski. Royal Festival Hall, Londres, 14 Junio de 1972.
Leopold Stokowski (18 Abril de 1882. Londres- 13 Septiembre de 1977. Nether Wallop. EE.UU.), director de orquesta inglés.
L. Stokowski concibe la música en términos pictóricos, como progreso de la interpretación musical. Una postura en contra de la interpretación historicista.
Para una interpretación historicista no sólo es necesario disponer de instrumentos de época, también es necesario una comprensión musical, el contexto sociocultural, la acústica… ¿pero tenemos la obligación de satisfacer la intención del compositor?
Partitura de L’après- midi d’un faune. Claude Debussy.
Comentario analítico de L’après- midi d’un faune. Claude Debussy.
Prelude to “The Afternoon of a Faun”, adapted from the liner notes by Edward Johnson.
Performed on the double occassion of Stokowski’s 90th birthday, and 60th anniversary of his LSO debut. Though he conducted the entire program from that 1912 concert, it was this Debussy performance folks recall most memorably.
“Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune” was a specialty of Stokowski over the years, but he and his soloists surpassed themselves on this night, as you will see!
Christopher Palmer wrote in “The Musical Times” that “My most treasured memory of the evening is undoubtedly ‘Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune’, which received a reading of exceptional refinement with all the tensions and relaxations effortlessly and beautifully graded, and unerringly poetic solo work from all the woodwind. A flawless performance.”
In “The Daily Telegraph” Peter Stadlen wrote “Stokowski’s legendary hands, though batonless, are put to the strictest functional use. His angular, almost ungainly movements are the simple tools for some of he most masterly conducting the century has witnessed….by what seemingly incongruous flicks of the wrist did he promote the fabulously sensitve solos in ‘Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune’? Never has lifelong global fame rested on more solid foundations.”