Periodisme audiovisual

Hola a tothom!!!!!
us deixo un llistat de webs per poder utilitzar en els treballs de ràdio i televisió que estem treballant aquest quadrimestre, on trobareu molt material cedit de forma gratuïta perquè ho pogueu utilitzar en els vostres reportatges.

Recordeu sempre que són feines que algú les ha fet i no us cobrarà res....només heu de tenir el detall de mencionar l'autor de la música, el vídeo o la imatge que utilitzeu.


This song has been chosen by the students of 3rd A of Eso.

Let's know a little bit about Beret:

When the press and the major record companies knew who Beret was, it was already late. The hundreds of millions of reproductions that accumulated their songs on YouTube spoke for themselves: I did not need anyone to succeed.

In fact, he did need help at the beginning, before everything started: that of his friends. He had several songs composed and recorded in a homemade way, but he did not dare upload them to the internet. "I am a super-introverted person, and I was reluctant to release my songs. My friends did it, without telling me, "explains the young star. «What I like the most about this work is to compose, the rest no longer so much. I enjoy the concerts, but I do not have as much time as I experience in a recording studio. In fact I never wanted to be a singer, as a child I always said I wanted to study sound, to work with the music of other people, "he says. Therefore, when it was time to present their own songs to the public, the ghost of stage fright wandered through his dressing room. "In the first concert I gave in my life there were more than five hundred people. I was in the dressing room saying, 'What's going to come out of all this?' I did not know how an artist was prepared in those situations. Now I have more serenity, but at first it was crazy.

The key, in the lyrics:

His shy nature has also been reflected in the content of his video clips, in which it is not usual to see his face. «I love the lyric-videos (where you can read the lyrics on a normally static background), because they leave more space for the imagination. If I put you images constantly, the song stops having many interpretations, which is my goal as a composer after all ».

In order to understand its success, it is necessary to attend precisely to its lyrics, in which it expresses directly, simply and sincerely the problems of an entire generation that has identified itself with its way of understanding life. "There is only one issue that I feel unable to write about: anxiety," he confesses. "I have an anxiety disorder for four years, and those of us who suffer this, get worse when we talk about it. If I tried today, it would be like going back ».

Sing the song:

Play the recorder: