🎯 +25 Pensamientos sobre música moderna y canto

BOB MARLEY: Déjate llevar por la música, escucha lo que te dice.

JOHN LENNON: No pasó nada en los años sesenta excepto que todos nos disfrazamos.

FRANK SINATRA: Fue mi idea hacer que mi voz sonara de la misma manera que el trombón o un violín, no sonando como ellos, sino funcionando como esos instrumentos.

Sing a song!

Sing a song

What a great article I’ve found today from The University of Oxford about singing. Here’s some quotes:

The physiological benefits of singing, and music more generally, have long been explored. Music making exercises the brain as well as the body, but singing is particularly beneficial for improving breathing, posture and muscle tension. Listening to and participating in music has been shown to be effective in pain relief, too, probably due to the release of neurochemicals such as β-endorphin (a natural painkiller responsible for the “high” experienced after intense exercise).
Singing has also been shown to improve our sense of happiness and wellbeing.


This song comes from the 1959 Broadway musical The Sound Of Music, which was made into a popular film in 1965.

 In the play, Captain Von Trapp uses it to describe the way he feels about his love for Austria that is slowly dying away due to the Nazis and the Third Reich.

 The song was written by the show's composers, Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein.

Viewers also had no idea that it's wasn't Plummer's voice on the song. The plan was to have him sing, but despite lessons he took before filming, his singing voice proved far from film quality (especially when juxtaposed with Julie Andrews) and a professional singer named Bill Lee was brought in to overdub his singing parts.

The lyrics are in the book: page 81


Open the book in page 109, and you will find the lyrics and the sheest of this song.

This is a balld-type  song , it is said that guitarist James Hetfield composed it while talking to his girlfriend on the phone.

In the song, "Nothing Else Matters" means that "nothing else is important." 

What is the most important thing to you?  Something so important that nothing else matters?