Treballem el ritme amb “Peer Gynt”

Avui us proposo una activitat per treballar el ritme a cicle inicial mentre escoltem “En el palau del rei de la muntanya”, de la suite Peer Gynt (Edvard Grieg).

Es tracta d’un musicograma creat per Pequeño Mozart i que vaig descobrir gràcies a un article de María Jesús Camino a la seva pàgina Clase de Música 2.0


La setmana passada vam fer l’audició d’aquesta obra mitjançant un conte que em vaig inventar fa uns anys (a partir d’un altre que vaig llegir) i que algun dia compartiré amb vosaltres.

Com que el conte els hi agrada molt i l’explico amb la música, l’alumnat tenia molt clar el ritme del tema musical. Això ha facilitat molt l’activitat, ja que gairebé no ha calgut preparació prèvia.

En definitiva, ha funcionat molt bé i us recomano que el poseu en pràctica.


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Adiós, Señora, Adiós

Y es que este fin de semana el mundo de la música ha sufrido una gran pérdida. La voz de Montserrat Caballé, una de esos monstruos del escenario que dejan huérfanos los auditorios y los teatros, entrará por la puerta grande en el cielo del arte.

En una ocasión tuve el placer de tocar junto a ella…eso todo un placer. 

Ahora tan sólo nos queda escuchar una y otra vez sus grabaciones que aunque penséis que tan sólo hizo ópera (y zarzuela), os puedo decir que su “Barcelona” junto al inolvidable Freddie Mercury , no fue otra cosa que magnífica, o su “Hijo de la Luna”…

Descansa en paz


IN THIS VIDEO WE CAN SEE THE GROUP IN THE STUDIO: Here it is the official video: Lyrics:

I know you moved onto someone new
Hope life is beautiful
You were the light for me to find my truth
I just wanna say, thank you
Leaving to find my soul
Told her I had to go
And I know it ain't pretty
When our hearts get broke
Too young to feel this old
Watching us both turn cold
Oh, I know it ain't pretty
When two hearts get broke
Yeah, I know it ain't pretty
When two hearts get broke
I hope someday
We'll sit down together
And laugh with each other
About these days, these days
All our troubles
We'll lay to rest
And we'll wish we could come back to these days, these days
These days, these days
These days, these days
Three years of ups and downs
Nothing to show for it now
And I know it ain't pretty when the fire burns out
Calling me when I'm drunk, remind me of what I've done
And I know it ain't pretty when you're trying to move on, yeah
I hope someday
We'll sit down together
And laugh with each other
About these days, these days
All our troubles
We'll lay to rest
And we'll wish we could come back to these days, these days
Oh I know, I know
Oh I know, I know
Oh I know, I know
These days, these days
Oh I know, I know
Oh I know, I know
Oh I know, I know
To these days, these days
Cigarettes in the ash tray
Reminiscing on those past days
I thought you’d end up with my last name
But that changed
And I travelled around the world
Think where you living at now?
I heard you moved to Oxford
Got an apartment and settled down
And every once in a while
I start texting
Write a paragraph
But then I delete the message
Think 'bout you like a past time
I could cry you a river
Get you baptised or
I wasn't ready to act right
Used to always think I'd get you back, right
They say that things fall apart (yeah)
We were gonna move to Brooklyn
You were gonna study Art (oh no, oh)
Love is just a tool
To remind us who we are
And that we are not alone
When we're walking in the dark
I hope someday
We'll sit down together
And laugh with each other
About these days, these days
All our troubles
We'll lay to rest
And we'll wish we could come back to these days, these days
We'll wish we could come back to these days, these days (these days, these days, these days)