Milena Bianco: Music&Passion, "to take music seriously and to start taking lessons from good mentors"

What is the first experience you remember with music? 
My first experience I remember with music was in a singing competition, six years ago and I placed second with the song Listen by Beyoncé.

At what time did you decide you wanted to be a singer? 
I started taking lessons when I was nine years old. 

What musical personality do you think influenced you most in your beginnings? 
I was always a fan of big artists and those were the musical personalities that influenced me the most to start singing like Celine Dion and others. 

What are your favorite singers or musicians? 
My favourite singers are Jennifer Hudson, Louisa Johnson, Celine Dion and Christina Aguilera. 

What repertoire do you feel most at ease today? 
The most repertoire that I feel most at ease today are mostly Ballads and Musical Theater songs.

Tell us, please, any experience or anecdote that comes to mind that has to do with your voice or your professional experience. 
I think an experience that comes to my mind that has to do with my voice is when I was in London doing a workshop and I was the only one chosen by two professional directors to perform a Musical Theater song that is called "Let me Be Your Star" at the Grand Finale of Ultimate Artists 2016, and here is the link

And another experience is when I attended a seven day Musical Theater Workshop last year in West End London. 

What do you think about the current situation of musicians and singers? Today I think that music is more into style rather than the voice. 

What advice or recommendations would you give to those who are now beginning to sing? 
To those beginning to sing I would recommend to take music seriously and to start taking lessons from good mentors or else they could harm their voice permanently. 

Do you want to add something more about your relationship with music? 
Music for me is my passion and my life and I would never live without it.

Where can our readers find more information on the net about you?
I can be found on my facebook page and on my YouTube channel Milena Bianco or Charlo Bianco.

Belle De Z: Premio Concurso Internacional OnLine ‘La Brújula del Canto’

Hoy felicitamos a esta singular y maravillosa cantante eslovaca afincada en España, que actualmente presentará su single de Blues & Rock y antes de que termine 2018 el disco completo.
Su última creación:

Más info:

El próximo día veinte de mes par el siguiente premiad@. Si quieres participar consulta las bases

Helena Cruz, la joven promesa del pop

Hoy entrevistamos para esta página a una joven cantante que más que promesa, es ya una realidad, la tarraconense Helena Cruz

Podréis escuchar su voz en directo interpretando Chandelier, de Sia y I will always love you, de Withney Houston, con la que recientemente encandiló al público en su última presentación en directo. 

Estrenanará también una obra dedicada a ella para su propio repertorio, la balada "Eso es eternidad" en la ciudad condal el próximo 18 de Marzo a las 19 horas en La Casa del Llibre de Passeig de Gràcia. La entrada es libre. 

¡Estamos seguros que Barcelona se volcará con la voz increíble y emocionante de esta joven artista!

Más información:
Blog de Helena Cruz

Helena Cruz, la joven promesa del pop español

Hoy entrevistamos para esta página a una joven cantante que más que promesa, es ya una realidad, la tarraconense Helena Cruz

Podréis escuchar su voz en directo interpretando Chandelier, de Sia y I will always love you, de Withney Houston, con la que recientemente encandiló al público en su última presentación en directo. 

Estrenanará también una obra dedicada a ella para su propio repertorio, la balada "Eso es eternidad" en la ciudad condal el próximo 18 de Marzo a las 19 horas en La Casa del Llibre de Passeig de Gràcia. La entrada es libre. 

¡Estamos seguros que Barcelona se volcará con la voz increíble, portentosa y sutil de esta joven artista!

Más información:
Blog de Helena Cruz

Cantantes del Siglo XXI, Fernanda Plinky, desde Brasil -english-

1. What is the first music experience you remember?

The first music experience I remember is my piano classes, when I was 6 years old. My teacher was always concerned about making me read the scores, so she gave me every type of exercises: from just read the name of the notes to complexes sight-singing or sight-playing execises. But in the end I never read the scores, because I could memorize the pieces and search for the correspondent keys on the piano by memory, without looking at the score. Of course in the end she always got very mad with me and started everything all over again, till make me play reading!

2. When have you decided you wanted to be a singer?

I decide every day to be a singer. Being a singer is making this decision all the time on our head, because it is a matter of experience (musical and technical) and time. Every new peace is a whole new decision. We are never prepared, although we are.

3. What musical personality have your career influenced?

My teachers influenced my career. When I say "my teachers" I'm not talking only about those who taught me playing instruments, singing and musical theory, but also the professors of theater and dancing. All of those encouraged me. Specialy my parents, that always supported me in my choices.

4. What are your favorite styles or/and musicians?

I'm very eclectic. I like R&B, jazz, funk, soul, rock music, specially from seventies, like Queen, Led Zeppeling. I like eletronic music, brasilian music, music for meditation. I like early, classic, romantic, modern and contemporary music.

5. What repertoire do you feel now more comfortable?

I'm in a period of changes so this question is very difficult! All I know is that our voice changes with time and we must pay attention in what is tiring our vocal folds and our muscles. Sometimes it is changing cause we don't want to abbandon what we have constructed in the past, but we must be honest with ourselves.

6. What are your next musical projects?

Like I said, I'm in a period of changes and I don't feel prepared to do projects. When I feel ready again I'll be very happy to tell you about my new projects! :-)

7. What advice would you give to those beginners in the  singing path?

Don't think about concorrence, don't think about the others, don't try to compare yourself, don't criticize colleagues. Music is like yoga, and you must look at yourself and understand yourself, your body, your thoughts.
Singing to a public is not about self propaganda, it is a way to take people out of this reality and show them other realities they don't know yet. Singing is a away to develop souls, not only your soul, but the souls of those that are listen to you. So when you sing with love, the audience will feel love. Our world needs love and that's our job.